Advance, Caution or Warning Notice

If you've received an Advance, Caution, or Warning Notice from us, please carefully review its contents and ensure that your actions do not violate the proprietary rights of our clients as described in the notice.

Cease & Desist, Information Disclosure or Litigation Notice

If you have received a Cease & Desist, Information Disclosure or Litigation Notice from us, read on. We send such notices on behalf of numerous rights holders. In every case, we undertake a detailed investigation on behalf of our clients prior to sending a notice. In a majority of cases, infringers who respond expeditiously to our notices and refrain from repeat or intentional infringement of our clients’ rights do not face any further legal consequences.

Notice about a website you own

If you have received a notice about a website you own, either directly addressed to you or forwarded to you by a service provider, it is essential that you take action on it expeditiously.

If you believe you have received a notice in error, please write to us at
legal [@] specifying the Case Reference of the
notice and providing information supporting your claim.
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